PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk ("Garuda") invites companies engaged in bags production to participate in the Procurement of Brand Development Consultant, with the following general requirements:
a. Engaged in the field of consultancy services;
b. Is a worldwide/global consultancy company
c. Have experience and experts related to Brand Development and Transformation
d. Have experience and experts in the aviation industry
e. Has experience and experts who understand Indonesian market conditions
f. Have a business license/legal entity/representative in Indonesia;
g. Willing to follow the procurement procedures applied at GARUDA;
h. Not currently related to any legal case that can lead to failure in work completion.
Companies that are interested in participating the procurement process are required to submit all documents consist of:
1. Statement of Interest signed by the Head of the Company;
2. Company legal documents (Business Identification Number);
3. List of Company Experience
4.Other information as required on the registration link: Surat Pernyataan Perusahaan (Minat) & Dokumen Persyaratan Prakualifikasi Pengadaan Konsultan Brand Development.docx
Interest Statement, owned equipment information & production capacity are need to be submitted in the form of softcopy (scanned document with maximum email size per 5MB) and send by email to address: no later than Thursday, June 27st 2024, at 13.00 WIB.
This Procurement Announcement can also be accessed through our website :
The Procurement Committee will send a Request For Proposal Document ("RFP") to companies that have submitted all required documents by email.
Garuda does not collect any fees from participants in the Procurement of Brand Development Consultant .
Jakarta, 21 June 2024
PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.